勝てるベッターと負けるベッターの違いは? | ベッティング戦略



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メニューへ 本文へ 総合トップ 暮らしの情報 子育て・教育情報 観光情報 移住定住情報 市議会 設定 ふりがなをつける音声読み上げ 翻訳 Select Language 英語 韓国語 中国語(簡体) 中国語(繁体) 富良野市 - Frano City LANGUAGE MENU 暮らし メニュー項目 健康・福祉 メニュー項目 教育・文化 メニュー項目 産業・しごと メニュー項目 観光 メニュー項目 まちづくり メニュー項目 行政情報 メニュー項目 防災・防犯 メニュー項目 サイト内検索 サイト内検索 検索 総合トップ›暮らしの情報›記事›Request regarding “garbage separation” and “use of resource collection station” Request regarding “garbage separation” and “use of resource collection station” 公開日:2024年2月20日 Request regarding “garbage separation” and “use of resource collection station” In Furano City, garbage is separated into 14 types with the aim of effectively utilizing resources and reducing environmental impact. Neighborhood associations pool money to install and manage each recyclable garbage collection station. There are rules regarding the use of the recyclable garbage collection stations, so please check with your neighborhood association about the rules when using them. If you have any questions about the separation rules, please contact the Furano City Hall Environment Division.  ☎0167-39-2308 For more details, please look at the document attached. Request regarding “garbage separation” and “use of resource collection station"_document_English(PDF 303KB) 1. Recyclable garbage collection stations are not public property. They are set up and managed by the neighborhood association members who live in the area. Depending on the area, you may need to join a neighborhood association to use the service, regardless of how long you live there. 2. Check the garbage collection calendar and put your garbage out accordingly by 9:00 a.m. on the date of disposal. Do not put your garbage out other than on the designated collection date, so as to keep the area neat and clean,and also to keep animals (e.g. crows etc.) away. 3. Separate garbage correctly and be sure to use designated bags for disposal. Garbage that is not separated correctly will not be collected. A red "warning sticker" will be placed on the garbage bag. 4. If your garbage bag is uncollected, please take it home with you and separate it again. Check that the garbage bag you put out has been collected by the evening on the same day, or the following day. If a "warning sticker" is attached to the garbage you put out, please take it home, re-separate it, and put it out on the next disposal day. Please be responsible for your own garbage! No one wants to touch other people&#39;s trash. Your unattended garbage WILL INCONVENIENCE other people in the neighborhood. 5. Garbage from business offices cannot be sent to resource collection stations! Only household garbage can be disposed at the resource collection station. Garbage from business offices is business waste, not household garbage. Business offices must dispose waste (collection, transport, and disposal) at their own responsibility. カテゴリー 暮らし 生活 ごみ・リサイクル 家庭からでるごみ 富良野市からのお知らせ お問い合わせ 市民生活部 環境課 環境係 電話:0167-39-2308 Fax:0167-23-1313 E-Mail:kankyou-ka&#64;city&#46;furano&#46;hokkaido&#46;jp サイド・メニュー 注目情報 市民参加手続き パブリックコメント等 ごみの収集、分別 職員採用情報 広告バナー(サイド用) ページトップへ プライバシーポリシー ウェブアクセシビリティについて 動作環境について RSSについて 自動翻訳について 富良野市 〒076-8555 北海道富良野市弥生町1番1号 交通アクセス お問い合わせ先一覧 組織 機構図 フロアマップ 市民の声 窓口受付時間:月曜日から金曜日 午前8時30分から午後5時15分 © 2022 Furano City ページのトップに戻る メニューへ 本文へ

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