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Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Themes Researchers JP Top Nanotechnology / Materials Novel CoCr-based superelastic metallic biomaterial with low Young's modulus Novel CoCr-based superelastic metallic biomaterial with low Young's modulus JAPANESEINQUIRY update:2022/09/09     NEXT PREV Features and Uniqueness General metallic biomaterials, such as stainless steels and conventional CoCr alloys, show a high Young&#039;s modulus ten times higher than that of human bones. This is an unfavored feature because it causes the so-called "stress shielding effect" when they are used as implants. β-type Ti alloys have a relatively lower Young&#039;s modulus, but they come with a compromise of low wear resistance. The current novel CoCr-based alloys are a breakthrough; they exhibit both a low Young&#039;s modulus similar to human bones and a high wear and corrosion resistance. Moreover, they exhibit superelasticity with a huge recoverable strain over 17%, also showing promise as shape memory alloys. Practical Application It is the first time that a low Young&#039;s modulus, a high corrosion and wear resistance, and a superior superelastic behavior are simultaneously obtained in a single material. The current novel CoCr-based alloys are promising for biomedical applications such as total hip or knee joint replacements, bone plates, spinal fixation devices, and vascular stents. Keywords biomaterial superelastic alloy shape memory alloy CoCr alloy low Young's modulus mechanical biocompatibility wear resistance corrosion resistance long fatigue life Researchers Graduate School of Engineering Xiao Xu, Assistant Professor researchmap researchmap Related Information Takumi Odaira, Sheng Xu, Kenji Hirata, Xiao Xu,* Toshihiro Omori, Kosuke Ueki, Kyosuke Ueda, Takayuki Narushima, Makoto Nagasako, Stefanus Harjo,Takuro Kawasaki, Lucie Bodnárová, Petr Sedlák, Hanuš Seiner, and Ryosuke Kainuma, Flexible and Tough Superelastic Co-Cr Alloys for Biomedical Applications, Advanced Materials, 34(27) (2022) 2202305.https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202202305 Browsing History Common Keywords Development of High Performance Carbon Nanotube-Alumina Composite [ 橋田 俊之 特任教授(研究) ] Novel Cu-Based Shape Memory Alloy with High Ductility [ 貝沼 亮介 教授 ] Development of Open Nanoporous Base and Half Metals, Metalloids and their Alloys [ 加藤 秀実 教授 ] Creation of a high functional bio-interface using laser fabrication [ 水谷 正義 教授 ] Oral Biofilm Functional Analysis: from “What Are They?" to “What Are They Doing?" [ 髙橋 信博 教授 ] Research Profiles ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY How to Use FAQ For Researchers Site Policy [jp] ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Fields Themes Researchers 日本語 ENGLISH Close

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