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Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Themes Researchers JP Top Environment Process development using chemical reactions in high temperature/high pressure water; Super/subcritical fluid extraction technology Process development using chemical reactions in high temperature/high pressure water; Super/subcritical fluid extraction technology JAPANESEINQUIRY update:2022/08/26     NEXT PREV Features and Uniqueness Most of my research to date have been related to hydrothermal technology (e.g., super/subcritical water technologies), supercritical fluid (CO₂) and subcritical fluid (DME) extraction technologies, inorganic materials synthesis, coal chemistry, biomass conversion, microalgae extraction, and waste recycling. And I have a lot of experimence on the practial application of chemical engineering. The current research themes include spent lithium-ion battery recycling, waste plastic recycling, and automation and intelligence of chemical experiments. Practical Application Spent lithium-ion battery recycling and waste plastic recycling Keywords Resource Chemical Process Supercritical fluid Recycling Hydrothermal technology Chemical Engineering Researchers Graduate School of Engineering Qingxin Zheng, Project Assistant ProfessorPhD Laboratory Website researchmap Laboratory Website researchmap Related Information 1. Q. Zheng et al., Chemical Engineering Journal, 429, 2022, 132378;2. Q. Zheng et al., Resource Chemicals and Materials, 2022, 1, 16-26.3. Q. Zheng et al., The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 175, 2021, 105275;4. Q. Zheng et al., ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9, 2021, 10970-10976;5. Q. Zheng et al., Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 54, 2021, 344-350;6. Q. Zheng et al., ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9, 2021, 3246-3257;7. Q. Zheng et al.,The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 165, 2020, 104990;8. Q. Zheng et al., Fuel, 262, 2020, 116528;9. Q. Zheng et al., Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 5, 2020, 2148-2154;10. Q. Zheng et al., Fuel, 235, 2019, 944-953;11. Q. Zheng et al., Fuel, 234, 2018, 1301-1312;12. Q. Zheng et al., RSC Advances, 7, 2017, 42123-42128;13. Q. Zheng et al., Fuel, 195, 2017, 143-150;14. Q. Zheng et al., Fuel, 2016, 182, 437-445;15. Q. Zheng et al., Fuel, 2015, 159, 751-758;16. Q. Zheng et al., Green Chemistry, 2015, 17, 791-794;17. Q. Zheng et al., CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 750-752;18. Q. Zheng et al., Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2009, 50, 77-81;19. Q. Zheng et al., Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2008, 46, 123-128. Browsing History Common Keywords Development of Recycling Technology for High-Water Content Sludge by Using Fiber Materials [ 高橋 弘 教授 ] Supercritical Fluid Technology Based on its Unique Properties [ 猪股 宏 特任教授(研究) ] Research Profiles ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY How to Use FAQ For Researchers Site Policy [jp] ©TOHOKU UNIVERSITY Fields Medical Life Sciences Information Communication Environment Nanotechnology / Materials Energy Manufacturing Technology Social Infrastructure Frontier Liberal Arts Fields Themes Researchers 日本語 ENGLISH Close

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