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toggle navigation Home Prospective students Current students Graduates Researchers Local residents Inquiries English 日本語 Access Inquiries Sitemap Links Yamaguchi Univ. Prospective students Current students Graduates Researchers Local residents HOME > Research Activities > The Cross-Cultural Interchange &#038; Research Institute The Cross-Cultural Interchange &#038; Research Institute The Cross-Cultural Interchange &#038; Research Institute was established as an internal organization of the Faculty of Humanities in 1997. With the twin goals of implementing cross-cultural exchanges and carrying out research on foreign cultures, it consists of a Cross-Cultural Interchange Department and a Research Department. These two departments implement and promote cross-cultural exchanges, carry out research and study, publish periodicals and hold lectures. Results are reported in the Cross-Cultural Interchange &#038; Research Institute Newsletter (launched in April 1999) and Cross-Cultural Studies (launched in March 2007). Besides these two, the Institute has also produced publications such as The State of World Languages in the Latter Half of the 21st Century (September 2005), the proceedings of a symposium related to a research project Looking Ahead to the Latter Half of the 21st Century (established in 1998) mainly by younger teaching staff. While the Institute remains a small organization within the Faculty, it serves to transcend the various cultural and generational differences as well as the borders of the University and Japan. Through interchanges between a diverse group of individuals, cultures and academic fields, it helps contribute to the creation of a richer, more diverse world. The Research Department With the goal of encouraging research on foreign cultures by the Faculty’s staff, the Research Department is currently engaged in two main activities. The first activity is the publication of a journal, Cross-Cultural Studies. From its inaugural issue in 2007 until its third volume in 2009, papers, essays and lecture transcripts from a diverse range of authors both within and outside the university were featured. The main features of each volume are as follows. Volume 1 Searching for Feasibility in Cross-Cultural Studies Volume 2 Feature I Trials in the Area of Translation Studies Feature II The Pluralistic Nature of Translation Volume 3 Searching for a Means to Promote Cultural Exchanges and Create Peace Between Japan, China and Taiwan Beginning with its fourth volume, the journal set forth an editorial policy that focuses on reporting the research activities of the Faculty of Humanities. Subsequent volumes are planned to continue in the same way. The second activity is the publication of the Cross-Cultural Interchange &#038; Research Institute Newsletter. It contains a Guide to Cross-Cultural Studies, as well as reports on overseas lectures and training, the opinions of exchange students, introductions to the teaching staff of the Faculty and reports on lectures on foreign cultures held by the Cross-Cultural Interchange Department, amongst other topics. The Cross-Cultural Interchange Department The Institute&#8217;s lecture series has already seen eighteen events held, with the 19th and 20th lectures planned (as of 2009). Together with cross-cultural studies, these lecture activities serve as an important mainstay of the Institute. All sorts of scholars are invited to Yamaguchi University and from the two standpoints of research and foreign culture, they help in no small way to promote an interdisciplinary and international exchange with the audience which includes members from outside the university. For local residents these lectures are especially significant in that they represent an opportunity for a “hands-on” experience of research and foreign cultures. The lectures thus represent an important aspect of the Faculty of Humanities&#8217; work. The content of these lectures appears in Cross-Cultural Studies, edited by the Institute. While students, staff and members of the public may only experience one of these lectures, they are sure never to forget the atmosphere of the event and its cross-cultural richness. Though quiet events by their nature, the lectures help to stoke new ideas and insights, and raise the quality of our scholarship. This cross-cultural event started with staff of the Faculty of Humanities requesting their acquaintances as well as scholars they met abroad to come and give lectures. While slightly removed from everyday classes, and perhaps therefore not at the top of all students&#8217; priorities, it is our hope that students will take advantage of the opportunities presented by scholars’ visits to the university to experience first-hand their wealth of knowledge in their particular research fields. Related blog Research now! HOME > Research Activities > The Cross-Cultural Interchange &#038; Research Institute An Introduction to the Faculty of Humanities Faculty Philosophy Course The Faculty of Humanities Pledge Courses of the Department of Humanities Humanities’ classes Faculty Background and History Faculty Facts and Figures Courses Faculty Philosophy Course History Course Sociology Course European / American Languages & Literature Course European / American Languages & Literature Course librarianship curriculum Research Objectives and Goals Research Activities The Literary Society The Cross-Cultural Interchange & Research Institute Research Societies The Research Promotion Office Entrance Examinations The Faculty of Humanities Entrance Examination The Admissions Office Entrance Examination Entrance Examination for Third Year Transfer The Graduate School Entrance Examination Open Campus Career Options & Gaining Professional Qualifications Career Guide Useful Websites for Job Seekers A Career in Education A Career in Government Service A Career as a Librarian A Career as a Museum Curator Professional Qualifications Available A Summary of Career and Continuing Education Options Internships Student Life Education Support Education Support Studying Abroad & Exchange Students Certificates Issued Lifelong Learning An Introduction to the Graduate School The Graduate School of the Humanities The Graduate School of the Humanities The Graduate School of the Humanities Pledge Courses Classes in the Graduate School of the Humanities The Graduate School Entrance Examination Other Information Review Criteria for Theses Student Life for Graduate school The Graduate School of East Asian Studies Overview of the Graduate School of East Asian Studies Information Multilingual Videos related to Faculty of Humanities Open Campus Linked Communication Adult Walk Intercultural Research Institute Lecture Yumenavi ピックアップ研究室 脇條 靖弘 研究室 ギリシアの哲学者たちの考えたことは今でも問題なんです。 ピックアップ研究室 伊東 達也 研究室 図書館は、人生を変える。 ピックアップ研究室 柏木 寧子 研究室 私たちの存在は私たち自身にも謎。でも古人の知恵で照らすなら― ピックアップ研究室 藤川 哲 研究室 展覧会へ出掛けましょう。作品との出会いが美術史の出発点です。 ピックアップ研究室 村上 龍 研究室 観るのが好き、観たものについて語るのはもっと好き、そんな人を待っています。 ピックアップ研究室 ジュマリ・アラム 研究室 コロナ渦の中、オンライン授業やZoomという語が定着しましたが、私は最近Vチューバーに凝... ピックアップ研究室 真木 隆行 研究室 歴史学は、実は若者むけの学問です。 ピックアップ研究室 黒羽 亮太 研究室 偶然がおりなす人間の物語へようこそ ピックアップ研究室 池田 勇太 研究室 歴史は知恵の宝庫です。 ピックアップ研究室 石田 俊 研究室 史料を片手に、発見の旅にでかけましょう。 ピックアップ研究室 滝野 正二郎 研究室 中国近世社会の像を当時の史料に基づいて構築してみませんか。 ピックアップ研究室 南雲 泰輔 研究室 私たちは過去のなかに何を見ようとしているのか。 ピックアップ研究室 桑畑 洋一郎 研究室 当事者の思いや歴史を知り、社会を捉えよう ピックアップ研究室 谷部 真吾 研究室 身近にある不思議なことからでも、学問的探求は始められます。 ピックアップ研究室 小林 宏至 研究室 「圧倒的な他者との遭遇」を通して人間とは何かを考えることを続けよう。 ピックアップ研究室 山口 睦 研究室 文化の違い、民族の違い、いろんな“違い”を大切に生きていく ピックアップ研究室 森野 正弘 研究室 人生のひと時、王朝文学を読み耽ってみませんか。 ピックアップ研究室 尾崎 千佳 研究室 文学のことばとこころで自分のなかの袋をいっぱいにしよう。 ピックアップ研究室 野坂 昭雄 研究室 文学を学ぶことは、これからの人生できっと役立つ! ピックアップ研究室 根ヶ山 徹 研究室 “二十一史,一部伝奇也”――真なる現実か,仮なる演劇か? ピックアップ研究室 岩部 浩三 研究室 最小限の労力で卒業する? 最大限努力できるものを見つけよう。 ピックアップ研究室 太田 聡 研究室 君はまだ「暗記」?! 文法は理屈がわかれば暗記は不要。 ピックアップ研究室 上田 由紀子 研究室 とても不思議で面白い「ことばの仕組み」を一緒に覗いてみませんか? ピックアップ研究室 武本 雅嗣 研究室 ヨーロッパの諸言語を学ぶと、英語の特徴もみえてきますよ。 ピックアップ研究室 フランツ・ヒンターエーダー・エムデ 研究室 ピックアップ研究室 乾 秀行 研究室 いろいろな言語に触れてみませんか?異文化理解は、世界言語の多様性を知ることから始まります... Yamaguchi University Faculty of Humanities 1677-1 Yoshida, Yamaguchi-shi, Yamaguchi Postal Code : 753-8540 Phone Number : 083-933-5200 Enquiries regarding entrance exams and student life:&#104;&#99;1&#51;4@&#121;a&#109;a&#103;&#117;c&#104;&#105;&#45;u&#46;&#97;&#99;&#46;&#106;p Enquiries regarding education, research, etc.:&#104;&#99;&#49;&#52;3&#64;&#121;&#97;&#109;&#97;guc&#104;&#105;&#45;u&#46;&#97;c&#46;jp Access Inquiries Sitemap Links Staff Yamaguchi Univ. © Yamaguchi University Faculty of Humanities.

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