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To The Content Site Navigation Content Discovery of abnormal crystal grain growth phenomenon with new heat treatment process: Possible application of shape-memory alloys into large-scale components 2013.09.27 A research group led by Assistant Professor Toshihiro Omori and Professor Ryosuke Kainuma of the Course of Metallurgy at the Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering has discovered an abnormal grain growth phenomenon made from a new heat treatment process.By carrying out repeated cycles of heating and cooling of a copper-based shape-memory alloy at a temperature range of below 900°C, the group successfully obtained centimeter-scale crystal grains. As a result, components with a cross-sectional size of several centimeters can be used as a component of copper-based shape-memory alloys, leading to possible applications in industrial products.The research was conducted under the "Development of a New Copper-based Shaped-memory Alloys with Applications to Large Component Materials Used in Construction and Hallux Valgus Braces" project tasked to Tohoku University and Furukawa Techno Material Co. Ltd. under the guidance of the Japan Science and Technology Agency's Adaptable and Seamless Technology Transfer Program through Target-Driven R&D (A-STEP) .The research results result will be published in the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science, on September 27, 2013. More information (Japanese) [Contact]Assistant Professor Toshihiro Omori Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University TEL/FAX: +81-22-795-7323 E-mail: omori* (Replace * with @) To The Content To The Navigation Page Top

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