


出典: 標準

The TMU (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) Material Science Project for Future Energy Materials accepts Dr. course students from Asian countries and Friendship Cities of Tokyo. We particularly focus on new layered functional materials. [About the project] "Material science of layered compounds for future energy materials" Supported by Tokyo government (during 2019-2023), we have organized a research team on layered functional materials in 2019. This project accepts Dr. course (three year program) students from Asian countries and Friendship Cities of Tokyo. The recruitment for the Dr. candidates is scheduled to be in 2019 and 2020. The Dr. candidates will belong to one of our research groups listed below, but will have a chance to discuss with other supervisors, researchers, and students in the other laboratory. This project had been supported by Research Center for Superconductivity Science and Engineering (by AY2021). Layered materials have been studied in the field of physics, chemistry, and application owing to unique properties and high performance of superconductivity, thermoelectrics, and other functionalities. Our research team is organized by specialists on material design, clarification of properties, tuning of electronic states, and application of superconductivity and thermoelectrics. We hope that talented students will enjoy his/her Dr. program at TMU with our laboratory members and facilities. 2019�N4���ɍ̑����ꂽ���x�����u�w��\�������V�����G�l���M�[�֘A�ޗ��̑n�o�v�i������\�F��������j�ł́C2019�N10�������2020�N10���ɃA�W�A����їF�D�s�s����̔��m�ے��w�����󂯓���܂��D�w��\�������V�����̊J���C�����𖾁C��������C�ޗ����Ɋւ��錤���𐄐i���܂��D [Faculty members] Mizuguchi Lab. (Superconducting Materials Lab.)�@���@[English Web] Dr. Yoshikazu MIZUGUCHI (Project leader, Associate Professor of Department of Physics) Dr. Aichi YAMASHITA (Assistant Professor of Department of Physics) Yanagi Lab. (Surface and Interface Physics Lab.)�@���@[English Web] Dr. Kazuhiro YANAGI (Professor of Department of Physics) Dr. Yohei YOMOGIDA (Assistant Professor of Department of Physics) Dr. Kan UEJI (Project Assistant Professor of Department of Physics) Aoki-Matsuda Lab.�@���@[English Web] Dr. Yuji AOKI(Professor of Department of Physics) Dr. Tatsuma D. MATSUDA (Professor of Department of Physics) Dr. Ryuji HIGASHINAKA(Assistant Professor of Department of Physics) Miura Lab.�@���@[Japanese Web] Dr. Osuke MIURA (Professor of Department of Electronic Information Engineering) [Students and Achievements] Md. Riad Kasem (from Bangladesh) (D3 student->PD: Mizuguchi group) �EMd. R. Kasem et al., Appl. Phys. Express 13, 033001 (2020) �EMd. R. Kasem et al., J. Mater. Sci. 56, 9499(2021) �EMd. R. Kasem et al., Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34, 125001 (2021) �EMd. R. Kasem et al., Sci. Rep. 12, 7789 (2022) �EMd. R. Kasem et al., J. Alloys Compd. 920, 166013 (2022) Nazir Ahmad (from Bangladesh) (D3 student: Aoki-Matsuda group) �EN. Ahmad et al., J. Alloys Compd. 901, 163520 (2022) Fysol Md. Ibna Abbas (from Bangladesh) (D3 student: Mizuguchi group) �EF. I. Abbas et al., Appl. Phys. Express 14, 071002 (2021) �EF. I. Abbas et al., Condens. Matter 7, 34 (2022) �EF. I. Abbas et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 074706 (2022) Md. Asif Afzal (from Bangladesh) (D3 student: Aoki-Matsuda group) Md. Ashiqur Rahman (from Bangladesh) (D3 student: Yanagi group) �EMd. A. Rahman et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 60 100902 (2021) �EMd. A. Rahman et al., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. in printing (2022) [Access/contact] Minami-osawa campus of TMU Address: 1-1, Minami-Osawa, Hachioji 192-0397, Tokyo, Japan Click here to display access map (TMU home page) Contact E-mail of project leader: mizugu(at) (Please replace (at) to @.) [Links] Tokyo Metropolitan University Research Center for Superconductivity Science and Engineering Graduate School of Science Department of Physics Graduate School of System Design Copyright (c) 2017 Mizuguchi Laboratory, TMU. All Rights Reserved.

日本のバカラゲーム - プレーして勝つ - ゲーミング・ハブ ギャンボラ出金時間 ワトフォードfc イスタンブールスポル
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